Benjamin Netanyahu July 4th Speech: Israel Has ‘No Greater Friend’ than U.S.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lavished President Donald Trump with praise in his speech commemorating the Fourth of July Tuesday evening.
Netanyahu and his wife Sara attended the special event held at Ben Gurion Airport in Lod jointly hosted by U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and the U.S. Embassy Jerusalem.
“It’s a wonderful celebration of 4th of July anytime in Israel but this year it’s special. This year President Trump moved the embassy after declaring Jerusalem Israel’s capital. In the UN — a powerful defense of Israel day in, day out,” Netanyahu declared before turning his attention to the now-defunct Iran nuclear deal. “And you remember that Iran nuclear deal? Remember that? President Trump decided to leave this bad deal and he did the greatest thing for the security of the world and for the security of Israel. Now, you should know that this is not yet universally accepted. And I can tell you that this week there’s going to be a meeting and the meeting is going to be in Europe.”
President Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the agreement on May 8, keeping his campaign promise to end the deal reached by the Obama administration. “This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made,” President Trump said prior to signing a memorandum to kill the agreement and reinstate sanctions on Iran. “It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will.”
The Israeli leader criticized Europe for holding negotiations with Iran in an attempt to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the non-binding agreement which sought to scale back the terror sponsorer’s nuclear capabilities.
“There is a meeting this week by the P4 without the United States. They are going to discuss how to go around the decision that President Trump and the United States made to leave this bad deal, which is funding Iran’s terrorism and its aggression with billions of dollars,” Netanyahu said. “There is in the same week something extraordinary. The P4 invited Iran’s President Rouhani to attend that meeting. But at the same time, in recent days, this same regime dispatched a terrorist cell to carry out a major terrorist action in France.”
The unique and enduring bond between the United States and Israel was a focal point of Netanyahu’s remarks. “We’re grateful for America’s independence. We’re grateful for America’s strength. We’re grateful for America’s alliance with Israel,” he said. “[N]o friendship like the friendship between Israel and the United States of America. American has no greater friend than Israel. Israel has no greater friend than America.”
Netanyahu concluded his speech by once again expressing gratitude for President Trump’s courage to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in April and recommended that Independence Day celebrations take place there next year. “70 years later, President Trump brought the embassy to Jerusalem. David, I have one message for you. I have one request: Next year in Jerusalem,” the leader suggested. “This is a fine and beautiful hall, immaculately done. Next year in Jerusalem right next to the American embassy. There can’t be a more glorious gathering with greater friends.”
Source: Breitbart