Cheder Menachem Auction Winners
Split the Pot Yanky Baitelman
Jackpot Yosef Wolowik
$50 Prizes
3. Trip for 2 to Eretz Yisroel Avrohom & Stery Zajac
4. Sapphire and Diamond Ring Kimberly Karant
5. Shevy Sheitl Yosef Wolowik
6. Camp Emunah Yosef Wolowik
7. iMac Blima Tuller
$25 Prizes
8. Lexmod Outdoor Furniture Esther Kessler
9. $1,000 at The Grove Yossi Lipskier
10. $1,000 towards Airfare Abe Ferst
11. $1000 at Milano Collection Miriam Feiner
$20 Prizes
12. Los Angeles Getaway Dovid Hoch
13. $770 of Seforim Yitzchok Sapochinsky
14. Silver Becher Sara Levin
15. Palm Springs Getaway Yossi Lipskier
$15 Prizes
16. iPad Air2 Rivkale Ferszt
17. The Glenlivet Collection Kieth Wagner
18. Kitchen Aid BBQ Dovid Yiftach
19. Uppababy Cruz Berel Cohen
20. Disneyland for 4! Abe Ferst
21. Food Shopping Spree Dr. Ravnoy
22. $500 Fine China Miriam Feiner
23. For Your Kitchen Judith Lawrence
24. Ladies’ Shopping Spree Dr. Ravnoy
25. Dining Out: Date Night! Avraham & Tova Zakaria
26. Dining Out: Family Fun! Menachem Bukiet
27. Diamond and Gold Necklace Shaya & Mushka Lowenstien
$10 Prizes
28. iPad mini Aida Chazan
29. Wii U Yossi Lipskier
30. Apple Watch Sport Dr. Ravnoy
31. “Lubavitcher Rebbe Thanking” Painting Berel Cohen
32. Likutei Sichos Shaya & Mushka Lowenstien
33. Tierra Sur Alon Asefovitch
34. Prestige Leather Tefillin Bags Hudi Lipsker
35. Your Choice of Pearls Yisroel & Etty Bastomski
36. iPod Touch Yossi Glick
37. Binyan Blocks Morah Shoshana Plotkin
38. Elegant Earrings Yossi Shneerson
39. Police Bike Yossi Raeburn
40. Kids’ Entertainment Zalmy Hecht
41. Kids’ Lessons Jennifer Schuller
42. Family Photo Session Devora Pinson
43. Beauty & Fitness Mendy Brennan
$5 Prizes
44. Nikon Coolpix Waterproof Camera Faiga Smith
45. Primo Hat Barry Levine
46. Modular Robotics MOSS Kit Yosef Wolowik
47. JEM Yosef Engel
48. 3 Row Ring Mariasha Davidoff
49. Play Kitchen Siev
50. “Tell Me the Story of the Parsha” Danielle Forer
51. Magnatiles Levi Nagel Family
52. 5 Wash and Sets! Mordechai Kirshenbaum
53. A Catered Shabbos by Lieder’s Yosof Wolowik
54. Pizza Lunch Yisroel & Etty Bastomski
55. Purim Shuttle Dovid & Chaya Drizin
56. iPod Nano Chaya Raeburn
57. Target $250 Bracho Shamoil
58. Costco $180 Levi Greenberg
59. Toys R Us $180 Shmuel Shneerson
60. Old Navy/Gap $180 Leibel Korf
61. Gas $180 Chani Hanoka
A very special thank you to Danielle Forer and all of the volunteers to for an incredible evening!