Home News Los Angeles Cheder Menachem Chinese Auction “Lights the Way”

Cheder Menachem Chinese Auction “Lights the Way”

Cheder Menachem Chinese Auction “Lights the Way”

Cheder Menachem Chinese Auction “Lights the Way”

Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles continues to light the way in chinuch, and this past Sunday hosted their dazzling annual event-The Cheder Auction. Over 300 parents and friends of Cheder gathered in a stunning mansion in Beverly Hills for some sleight of hand, wine tasting, personality analysis and of course the raffling of over 70 exciting prizes. MC Shmuley Kornfeld, Shliach in Burbank, CA, shared his warmth for Cheder from atop a covered pool, and led a game of “White Elephant” for the 5 mystery prizes featured in the auction. The mystery prizes all went the sons of the winners who attend Cheder, and included activities such as trips, new sports equipment, Lego engineering and sushi making. Dinner was a tantalizing combination of sushi (of course!) a variety of sliders and pulled brisket, and a dessert waffle bar, catered by Lieder’s.
Boruch Hashem, the Cheder Auction continues to grow every year, and goes directly to cover scholarships of students in need. See the winners below:

Prize Winners:
Split the Pot -Shmuel Fogelman
Jackpot -Beyomin Lubin
Diamond Ring -Gila Lipsker
Trip to Israel -Dovid Morris
Shevy Shaitel -Aryeh Schottenstein
Camp Emunah -Joseph Yemini
CGI Florida -Danielle Forer
iMac Desktop -Miriam Feiner
Dining Room Chairs -Joseph Yemini
$1,000 at The Grove -Arianna Sharfman
$1,000 Airfare -Dovi Gorelik
Milano Wig -Joseph Yemini
Fly to Winery -Jackpot
Koren Talmud Bavli -Fishel Grossman
iPad Pro + Pencil -Esther Kessler
Los Angeles Getaway -Boruch Stroll
Half Moon Necklace -Chaviva Fischer
$770 Seforim -Joseph Yemini
Desert Getaway -Devorah Wagshul
Sofa + Loveseat -Aryeh Lang
Silver Becher -Batsheva Issacs
L’Chaim!!! -Fishel Grossman
BBQ and Smoker! -Tully Fishman
Doona Car Seat Stroller -Rabbi Sapochinsky
Disneyland for 4! -Samuel Deutsch
2 weeks at CGI -Jordan Wachtel
Food shopping Spree -Elana Kornfeld
Kitchen aid -Claudia Lax
Ladies Shopping Spree! -Asher Habibian
Formal Night Dining -Fishel Grossman
Casual Dining -Jesica Keet
Michele Ladies Watch -Moshe & Chanie Levin
Diamond Ring -Berta Sandberg
Kids Shopping Spree! -Jordan Wachtel
Rebbe Pictures -Mushky Raeburn
Apple Watch Sport -Shimon & Chaya Posner
Diamond Hoop Earrings -Korf
Ipad mini -Tzemach Kreitenberg
Likutei Sichos -Ada Cunin
Leather Tefillin Bag -Zeev Ravnoy
Flatwre & Stemwre for 12 -Sonya Yiftach
Happy Sukkos!-Devorie & Ari Baitelman
Lego -Gila Lipsker
Party on! -Josh Moorovitch
Rabbi Burston Stories! -Zeev Ravnoy
Petite Photo Session -Ada Cunin
It’s good To Know! -Yossi Shneerson
Mitzvah Kinder -Chana Arnold
Beauty In and Out! -Laibel & Chaya Lipskar
Tourmaline Necklace -Mishulovin
iPod touch -Yitzy Gorelik
Kids Entertainment -Moshe & Chanie Levin
GoPro Hero4 Session -Gila Lipsker
Primo Hat -Gila Lipsker
Hoverboard -Yossi Feldman
Parrot AR.Drone -K Lezak
JEM -Shmuel & Ruchama Raigoradsky
Midrash Says -Jordan Wachtel
Jbrick -Yossi Shneerson
Magnatiles -Shaina Dorn
American Girl Doll -Tzvika Ferszt
Pearl Bracelet -Asher Habibian
Cut & Wash by Chanie -Dovber Cohen
Catered Shabbos -Shaindel Glick
Room escape-Payman Naharoy
Pizza- Arash Nefes
Purim -Dovid & Chaya Drizin
Target -Chanie Hanoka
Costco -Michy Ravnoy
Amazon-Susan Shapiro
Toys r us- Daniel Hayman
Gas -Fishel Grossman
Mystery Prize -Danny & Yocheved Kohari
Mystery Prize -Natanal Issacs
Mystery Prize -Miriam Lumer
Mystery Prize -Rabbi Sapo
Mystery Prize -Esti Cohen


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