Home News Israel Direct Polls polling institute: Smotrich is going to surprise

Direct Polls polling institute: Smotrich is going to surprise

Direct Polls polling institute: Smotrich is going to surprise
Bezalel Smotrich. Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90

Pollster Shlomo Filber: Bezalel Smotrich’s party, Religious Zionism, is gaining strength.

The Direct Polls polling institute led by Shlomo Filber on Saturday night released a statement which said that it appears that Bezalel Smotrich’s party, “Religious Zionism” is gaining strength and is about to surprise in the upcoming elections.

Direct Polls’ statement refers to estimates that the parties which polls have shown are near the electoral threshold are the ones that will decide the upcoming elections.

According to Filber, it appears as though Religious Zionism and MK Mansour Abbas’ Ra’am party have been gaining strength in recent days and are not in danger of not passing the electoral threshold.

“Commentators, journalists and some pollsters like to talk about four swing parties that are near the electoral threshold. But friends, two of them seem to be moving away from it and are going up and are going to surprise: Ra’am led by Mansour Abbas and Religious Zionism led by Smotrich,” he said.


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