Get rid of leftovers
The holidays bring delicious homemade food, and along with that come the leftovers. Holiday leftovers can be just as good as when you cook the meal the first time and become a tempting go-to snack. Time to LET GO. Toss the leftovers, they most likely aren’t the healthiest dishes and it’s time to start fresh.
Stay hydrated
Most Americans do not drink enough WATER, and there is no better time to start than now! Fill up your glass at least 8 times a day. Some find it easier to carry a glass water bottle throughout the day to remind yourself to keep hydrated. Staying hydrated can flush out toxins and detox your body, as well as keeping you feeling good.
Hit the gym
Sweating is another great way to flush out toxins. Exercise has many health benefits long term and short term. Find just 30 minutes a day to move your Qi and get some form of exercise, whether it’s going on a run, Yoga or simply going for a walk. Getting your body moving is important for your Metabolism as well as overall health.
Ditch the sugar
The holidays are a notorious time that the sugar intake starts ramping up. Now that they are over, it’s time to remove added sugar to your diet. Limit how often you eat dessert and when you do, eat in moderation. Replace sugary foods with natural sweet foods like fruit. Fruit can fix your sweet tooth and also give you a boost of vitamins.
Drink green tea
Green Tea is packed with Antioxidants and nutrients to help your body get back on track. It is one of the healthiest beverages you could choose, it can act as a replacement for coffee, lower your risk of cancer and protect your brain as you age.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine addresses the body as a whole when illness arises or the body is run down. Because of this, Acupuncture treatment works by returning the body back to balance and restoring its natural energy. Certain Acupuncture points can detoxify important organs like the kidneys, colon, lungs, liver and skin. Let me support you with weekly or monthly treatments ~ important as you move into the new year!
Cleanse Program
Contact me to set up a 7, 14 or 21 Day CLEANSE/Detox. You can pick up the kit at my office, and we can go over how to eat during your CLEANSE. I can coach you on a program that is easy and a great way to start 2016! Your family & friends are welcome to join you.
Don’t forget to relax and give yourself some downtime. The holidays are hectic and stressful, which can lead to bad habits and bad eating. Give yourself some time now that they are over to relax. Find activities you enjoy and make sure you make time for them every week. Detoxing is not just for improving your body physically, but mentally as well.
Let me help you embrace the new year with Chinese Medicine, Functional Nutrition Programs & Homeopathics today! 310. 450. 9711.