Home News Los Angeles The Eruv Is STILL DOWN-Status Update

The Eruv Is STILL DOWN-Status Update

The Eruv Is STILL DOWN-Status Update

The Eruv Is STILL DOWN-Status Update

We want to express our gratitude to those families that have made

contributions to the eruv this week. To those families,  we say Yasher
Koach.  We are also grateful to those rabbis that appealed to their members
on our behalf this past Shabbos.

Unfortunately the response has not been strong.  We have received almost
enough to repay the loan from our emergency fund but not enough to provide
operating funds for next year.

Of the thousand families on the eruv email list, and several thousand more
that received the appeal from the shuls,  only a couple hundred have made

If you haven’t yet,  please make a contribution and commitment to support
the eruv monthly or annually.
If you have given, please reach out to your friends and encourage them to
take responsibility as well.

We are looking for additional contributions and annual commitments before
Shabbos.   Please ask your friends to participate.

*The LA ERUV needs your support.  We are looking for families willing to
take personal responsibility for supporting the LA ERUV on an ongoing
basis.  The time to offer your support for the LA ERUV is Now.  Please
consider one of the following methods:*

·         *Send a check to LA ERUV at 8950 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 179,
Beverly Hills, CA 90211;  *

Donate –one time or monthly -by credit card or paypal at our website LAERUV.com

Email us at info@laeruv.com to arrange a donation personally.

Elliot Katzovitz
Howard Witkin
Seth Merewitz


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