Home News Media Even Dem-Aligned Polls Showing Biden’s Popularity Plummeting

Even Dem-Aligned Polls Showing Biden’s Popularity Plummeting

Even Dem-Aligned Polls Showing Biden’s Popularity Plummeting
Joe Bidem (File).

Two Democrat-aligned polls have new findings showing President Biden plummeting among voters.

Now even Democrats are turning away from Joe Biden.

The Navigator poll, which bills itself as “a credible, trusted message development resource for progressives,” wrote on Wednesday, “While Biden’s net approval rating has dropped 8 points overall since last month, this drop is most pronounced among Democrats (-13 change in net approval), independents (-14), Hispanic Americans (-19), and AAPI (-30).”

Between August 2 and August 30, Biden’s net approval numbers among Democrats dropped from 79 to 66. Among independents, they dropped from negative 11 to negative 25. Among Hispanics, they dropped from +25 to +6. Among Asians and American Pacific Islanders, they dropped from 51 to 21.

In the Civiqs poll, Biden’s disapproval numbers soared by August 31 to 50%, the highest of his presidency. Significantly, 58% of Independents disapproved of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president.

Another interesting note: one of the two states with the highest disapproval numbers for Biden, at 74%, was West Virginia, the home of the key player in any attempt to stem the leftists in the Democratic Party, Senator Joe Manchin. This means that Manchin may have to tread lightly lest he incur the wrath of his constituents. The other state was Wyoming.

The Civiqs poll has conducted polls in collaboration with the Alliance for Youth Action, which boasts that it “grows progressive people power across America.”

Over the weekend, The Washington Post worriedly wrote:

Democrats are defending a narrow majority in the House and the Senate. The president’s party historically tends to struggle in its first midterms, spurring nervousness that escalated sharply this month.

A Democratic member of the House, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution, said many in the caucus believe the lower chamber of Congress is already lost in the midterms. Other Democrats said they are bracing for the prospect of Republicans making double-digit seat gains.

On August 30, for the first time during his tenure as president, Biden’s disapproval numbers overcame his approval numbers in the heralded FiveThirtyEight poll; Biden’s disapproval numbers came in at 47.5%; his approval numbers stood at 47.2%. He has been underwater the last three days.

The Daily Wire reported on August 18:

President Biden’s approval among Americans has plunged, as demonstrated by numerous separate polls. Politico reported on Wednesday, “SIREN: President JOE BIDEN’s average approval rating is below 50% for the first time this year. 538: 49.8% … RCP: 49.4%.”

The 538 poll found Biden with a 44% disapproval rating. The highest average approval rating the RDCP poll has ascertained for Biden during his presidency was at 55.8%; he has dropped over five points.

A new Reuters poll conducted on Monday found that Biden’s approval rating had dropped by seven percentage points to rest at 46%, leaving him at his lowest level of his presidency.

“A separate Ipsos snap poll, also conducted on Monday, found that fewer than half of Americans liked the way Biden has steered the U.S. military and diplomatic effort in Afghanistan this year. The president, who just last month praised Afghan forces for being ‘as well-equipped as any in the world,’ was rated worse than the other three presidents who presided over the United States’ longest war,” Reuters reported.

They noted that in the Ipsos poll, 44% of respondents said Biden has done a “good job” in Afghanistan. “In comparison, 51% praised the way former presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama handled the war.”


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