Jerusalem, 22 December, 2021 (TPS) — Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman made a controversial declaration in support of reforms to Israel’s system for the kashrut certification of restaurants that were proposed by the Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana.
He called on all restaurants to just go ahead and say that they are kosher, whether or not they actually are.
Liberman released a new poster on Twitter Wednesday evening that says, “I call on all businesses to put a sign up at the entrance saying ‘Kosher, without a certificate.’ You will not only save money, but the public will believe you.”
The ultra-orthodox have condemned Liberman’s comments. Leader of the Sephardic ultra-orthodox opposition party Shas tweeted Wednesday evening, “Mr. Lieberman, after you almost offered business [the option] to hang a sign saying ‘No Corona – this is the flu’ You are trying to forget the embarrassment of [your] ugly attack on those who keep kosher.”
“Your incitement is transparent. Deal with the distress of businesses begging for help, or change professions.”