Home Featured Gimmel Tammuz Awareness Campaign Sweeps Jewish Media

Gimmel Tammuz Awareness Campaign Sweeps Jewish Media

Gimmel Tammuz Awareness Campaign Sweeps Jewish Media

A campaign spearheaded by bochur Menachem Benchemon bringing awareness to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the upcoming auspicious day of Gimmel Tammuz has been sweeping the Jewish world this week.

By COLlive reporter

A campaign bringing awareness to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the upcoming auspicious day of Gimmel Tammuz has been sweeping the Jewish world this week.

The grassroots effort was spearheaded by a bochur Menachem Benchemon, and the Rebbe’s message was seen by tens of thousands around the world.

“Chazal teach us that the day of a tzadik’s yahrtzeit is a most auspicious day, a ??? ????? ??? ????, to connect with the tzadik, granting us the potential to elicit berochos and yeshuos min hashomayim in the zechus of the tzadik,” the article reads.

The article also gives suggested ways to mark the Yartzeit of a tzadik, including learning a teaching of the Rebbe, reaching out to a fellow Jew in Chesed and Ahavas Yisroel, and davening at the Rebbe’s Ohel in close proximity to the day of his Yartzeit.

Outlets where the article appeared included Ami Magazine, Hamodia US and Canada, The Monsey View, The Jewish Press, Newsflash Montreal and more.


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