In Tel Aviv, a Herd of Sheep Is Helping the City Bloom
Tel Aviv’s first official herdsman is accompanied by two border collies, Chaos and Fauda: the first only takes commands in Hebrew, the second only in British English
There’s little time to waste—the Sheep have work to do. Their job is to help this patch of urban nature bloom again. This herd is a pilot to a more ambitious project, one that will see sheep used to rehabilitate 52 patches of undeveloped nature that remain within the greater Tel Aviv metropolitan area. If successful, more sheep herds could be seen grazing around the city.
The project is the brainchild of Liav Shalem, an ecologist working for the city’s Ganei Yehoshua Park company. When the sheep graze, he explains, they thin out the grass, just as their ancestors did for millennia. When the sheep disappeared from this region, it caused an ecological imbalance. Grass such as wild wheat and oats overpowered other local species, especially flowers.
With the sheep back and chomping away at the grass, Shalem said, residents can expect to start seeing anemones, daffodils, and irises. Luckily, sheep do not find these beauties palatable. Sheep make herbicides, pruning machines and mowers superfluous. To revive this urban park, we need to get back to the days of yore, Shalem said.
Shalem hopes to see this patch of park in bloom this upcoming February.