Critical funding for Israel’s Iron Dome System is being held up because it is being linked to controversial immigration legislation. The House of Representatives has already passed a separate bill that funds Iron Dome.The overwhelming majority of Senators support this funding!!!It is critical that each one of us contactsour Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) or Senators Rober Menendez and the Cory Booker (N.J.) in addition to the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, to insist that Iron Dome funding be separated from all other legislation.
All you have to do is call the Main Switchboard for the United States Congress at 202-224-3121 (thanks to AFSI for publicizing this number!).Ask to be connected to the offices of your senators in addition to Senator Harry Reid.
One possible message:
“Funding for Israel’s Iron Dome Missile System is a matter of life and death for Israel and its people. It is urgent that appropriations for the Iron Dome System be distinct and separate and from immigration legislation so that there is no delay! THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR POLITICS! Israel is at war and needs the help of the United States!”
Please forward this message to friends of Israel and urge them to call their senators and Senator Harry Reid at 202-224-3121 right away.