Home News Israel Jerusalem: Mother Taking Children to Kindergarten Stabbed in Terror Attack

Jerusalem: Mother Taking Children to Kindergarten Stabbed in Terror Attack

Jerusalem: Mother Taking Children to Kindergarten Stabbed in Terror Attack
Photo by Admin on 8 December, 2021

Jerusalem, 8 December, 2021 (TPS) — An Israeli mother who was walking in the streets of the Shimon HatZadik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood in Jerusalem with her three small children was stabbed and wounded by an Arab terrorist on Wednesday morning.

The mother, Moriah Cohen in her mid-20s, was evacuated in light condition to a hospital in Jerusalem was the 12-inch knife still stuck in her body.

The terrorist fled the scene, and the police launched a manhunt for her and tracked her down to a nearby girl’s school. Massive forces entered the compound and arrested the suspect.

The police stated that the terrorist, aged 14, was arrested together with a number of women from the suspect’s environment who were detained for questioning.

The terrorist is reportedly a neighbor of the victim.

Member of Knesset Moshe Tor-Paz noted that the attack was “seven times more serious when it comes to a terrorist who is still a high school student. This is the second terrorist incident this month to come out of the education system in eastern Jerusalem. I am sure that the educators in the city will carefully examine what is happening in the schools in the east of the city and will act accordingly.”

About two weeks ago, Hamas terrorist Fadi Abu-Shkadem fired at Israelis in Jerusalem’s Old City, murdering Eli Kay and wounding four others. He was a school teacher in eastern Jerusalem.

Hamas welcomed the attack and a spokesman for the terror organization said that “the heroic operations in the West Bank and Jerusalem prove the greatness of our people and show that the resistance is unbreakable.”

This attack is the latest in what appears to be a wave of terrorism.

An Israeli man was seriously injured in a terrorist attack in Samaria on Sunday night when an Arab terrorist rammed his car into a security point the victim was manning. The terrorist was shot dead.

On Saturday afternoon, an Arab terrorist stabbed and wounded Avraham Elmaleach near the Damascus Gate at the entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem. The terrorist, 25-year-old Muhammad Salima from Salfit, was shot and killed by security forces.

That attack occurred less than two weeks after the shooting attack at the Chain Gate in the Old City, in which 26-year-old Eli Kay was shot and murdered by a Hamas terrorist, who was subsequently shot dead by Israeli forces.

A few days before that attack, on November 17, a terrorist stabbed two Border Police troops near the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in Jerusalem’s Old City and wounded one of them moderately and the other lightly. The troops at the scene shot the terrorist dead.


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