Kuppy Elbogen & Zimra Choir at Bonei Olam – Montreal, Canada
Hundreds of People gathered Monday night November 10 2014, for Bonei Olam’s third dinner in Montreal, featuring inspiring speakers and entertainment by Kuppy Elbogen and the Zimra men’s choir along with Zimra’s brand new boys choir.
Bonei Olam is a New York based organization that helps Jewish couples with fertility problems from all over the world by providing funding for fertility treatments and connecting the couple with experts from both the medical and Halachic standpoint as well as support in the form of groups as well as professionals. To date, Bonei Olam has been involved in the birth of over 5000 babies, including many from the Montreal and Tosh communities, where a small branch exists, connecting locals to fertility experts in the area.
Kuppy Elbogen and the Zimra Men’s and Boy’s Choir performed a mix of Yiddish songs specially written for the event.
Cortesy of Gruntig.net