Home News New York Monsey: Psychiatrist Declares Grafton Thomas Incompetent To Stand Trial

Monsey: Psychiatrist Declares Grafton Thomas Incompetent To Stand Trial

Monsey: Psychiatrist Declares Grafton Thomas Incompetent To Stand Trial

January 27, 2020 6:22 pm

MONSEY (VINnews) — A psychiatrist hired to evaluate Grafton Thomas, has declared that Thomas’ mental illness deems him incompetent to stand trial on federal hate crimes charges.

Thomas is accused of using a machete to attack Jews attending a Chanukah party at the home of Rabbi Rottenburg in the Forshay neighborhood of Monsey on Dec. 28.

According to Attorney Michael Sussman, “Mr. Thomas was not competent to stand trial” following an evaluation by Dr. Andrew Levi, who has asked a federal judge to hold what he termed a competency evaluation.

Sussman and Thomas’ mother have insisted that Thomas’ stabbing attack was not motivated by hate, but rather was triggered by his mental illness and him not taking his medication.

“He has no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime,” Sussman has said in a statement. “He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races. He is not a member of any hate groups.”

Sussman said that he plans to ask the judge to seal the medical report by Dr. Levin and all related documents, in order to protect the privacy of his client. The US Attorney’s Office may respond for 2 weeks.

Thomas’ vicious attack on Chanukah left six Jews injured, including 72-year-old Yosef Neumann, who remains in a coma with a fractured skull.


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