Home Featured Motzie Shabbos Jamz – Vinahapoch Hu – Niggun Composed by Rav Menachem Goldberger of Baltimore

Motzie Shabbos Jamz – Vinahapoch Hu – Niggun Composed by Rav Menachem Goldberger of Baltimore

Motzie Shabbos Jamz – Vinahapoch Hu – Niggun Composed by Rav Menachem Goldberger of Baltimore

Welcome to Motzie Shabbos Jams – a small group of music aficionados who thrive and survive on the power and deveikus of a niggun.

With periodic Motzie Shabbos get-togethers, the group gathers to kumzitz, jam, and sing soul stirring niggunim of the past and present. The deveikus is palpable, and the spirit is uplifting .

Vinahapoch Hu is a heart-stirring niggun that was composed by Rav Menachem Goldberger of Baltimore and is sung each week by the Presidential Friday night minyan to the holy words of Lecha Dodi.

The Motzie Shabbos Jamz crew was taken by this special niggun, and removed all boundaries of the niggun, by just singing the niggun with no lyrics. Allowing the niggun to achieve a new level of deveikus.

In the spirit of Purim, the Jamz crew add a Lebedig tempo to the nigun and sang it to the words of the Megillah “Venahapoch Hu”.

Listen, sing and dance along. Allow the niggun to elevate your neshamah, and achieve greater heights in deveikus.



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