Netanyahu Summons Head of Hebron Observer Mission Following Violence Against Jewish Settlers
Written by Mara Vigevani/TPS on July 24, 2018
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned Brigadier General Einar Johnsen, the Norwegian head of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) on Tuesday after a member of the five-nation observer group was found to have punctured the tires of a car belonging to a Jewish family in Hebron.
The incident, which occurred last year, was filmed by a nearby security camera positioned in a Palestinian home.
Following the investigation, Police contacted TIPH to question the man, but the organization said it would conduct an internal check. Several days after, police again contacted TIPH and were told the suspected had left Israel.
The video was shown on Israel’s Channel 12 TV on Monday evening.
Earlier this month, a Swiss member of TIPH, was filmed slapping a 10-year-old Jewish boy. Following the incident, Switzerland’s ambassador to Israel apologized announcing the observer involved would leave Israel.