By Yaron Steinbuch June 13, 2019 | 4:04pm
President Trump is expected to get his imprimatur on the Golan Heights on Sunday, when a new community named Ramat Trump – or “Trump Heights” – will be established in the verdant plateau.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to conduct a special cabinet session in the Golan that day to lay the cornerstone of the new settlement, according to Israel’s i24 News.
“In recognition of the work of the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump, on behalf of the State of Israel in a wide range of fields, and expressing gratitude for the American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights led by President Donald Trump, it was decided to initiate establishment of a new residential community on the Golan Heights called Ramat Trump,” the resolution read, the Times of Israel reported.
The Knesset, Israel’s parliament, will vote Sunday to make official the announcement on the new community, which will be located near the existing village of Kela Alon.
US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman also will attend the ceremony at the site.
The following month, Netanyahu toured the Golan and said a community or neighborhood there should be named after Trump in appreciation for his recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the strategic area.
Netanyahu said there was “a need to express our appreciation by calling a community or neighborhood on the Golan Heights after Donald Trump. I will bring that to the government soon.”
Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights came 52 years after Israel captured the region from Syria during the Six Day War, and 38 years after Israel annexed the region.
Source: New York Post