Medicine Shortages Plague Stores Like Walgreens And CVS
First parents had a difficult time finding diapers for their kids on shelves. Then baby formula was nowhere to be seen. And now, a shortage of children’s medications is leaving parents scrambling to care for their kids as three potentially deadly diseases permeate the United States, Business Insider reports.
Caroline Moore’s 3-year-old son has “basically been sick” since he started preschool in September, she said. The child’s doctor recommended Moore purchase children’s Motrin to alternate with Tylenol. “They had absolutely none on the shelves, only a generic chewable NSAID for kids, and I didn’t think he’d chew it,” said Moore, who didn’t provide her location or which store she went to.
The explosion of the three illnesses has left parents demanding more medications than stores and suppliers anticipated — leading to a shortage. “Everybody is sick, and everybody needs medicine at once,” and companies can’t keep up with the high demand, Joanna Dolgoff, a pediatrician and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatricians, told the Washington Post.
And with short supply, retailers from CVS to Walgreens to Target have limited the amount of children’s pain medication customers can purchase at once.
Source: {Matzav.com}