Paskez Chanukah Coins almost killed my son!
BY: Sara Chana Silverstein
My son is anayphlactic to dairy. He carries around an epipen. I was flying from Brooklyn to LA and saw that Paskez Chanukah Coins had in bold letters on the box PARVE and NUT FREE. I was thrilled and bought the box.
Chanukah morning, he jumped into his car rushing to work and grabbed a package of coins. After eating one his throat began to close. He knew immediately that he was having an anayphlactic reaction to dairy so pulled over and self administered his epi-pen (adrenalin). The shot saved his life!
On the back of the product in teeny-tiny letters it states, “May contain traces of dairy. This does not affect the products Parve status.” Now, my son and I should have read the miniscual ingredients listed on the back. But we trusted a FRUM company like PASKEZ. They need to put this warning in BOLD letters. I am sure they are afraid that frum people would not purchase this product knowing it has traces of dairy!
I called the company and they asked me to return the product for further testing. We can’t wait for testing. The next child could G-d forbid die! p.s. Paskez asked what else my son ingested that morningĀ but it was ONLT their chocolate. Thanks for posting, it could save a life.