Home Financial Literacy Phyllis Shallman – How Can Graduates Start Building Wealth?

Phyllis Shallman – How Can Graduates Start Building Wealth?

Phyllis Shallman – How Can Graduates Start Building Wealth?

If you’re a recent graduate, congratulations! You made it.

Your degree is in your hands and the world is now your oyster. If there’s one thing you should know, it’s that life after graduation isn’t all about partying with friends and family until next summer rolls around again. No, it’s time to start building wealth!

That’s because you have a secret weapon at your disposal—time.

Your money has the potential to grow via the power of compound interest. The longer your savings accrue interest, the more potential they have to grow.

Let’s say you’re 22 and fresh out of college. You’re able to save just $160 monthly in an account earning 9% interest. After 45 years, you would have grown over $1 million!

And, as your income rises, you can increase your savings rate and level up your goals.

But how can you save $160 per month?

It’s pretty straightforward—you should at least implement a budget ASAP, and maybe even start up a side gig. These are simple ways to decrease unnecessary spending and earn more money that can go towards wealth building.

If you want to learn more about building wealth reach out to financial professional you trust and schedule an appointment! They may have the knowledge and expertise to help you start on the path towards financial independence.


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