Home News Israel Stabbing Leaves Woman Dead

Stabbing Leaves Woman Dead

Stabbing Leaves Woman Dead

Second Stabbing of the Day Leaves Woman Dead

A terrorist stabbed three people at the hitchhiking station near the western entrance to Alon Shvut, murdering a 25 year old woman. She was reached by paramedics, but they were unable to save her. Two other men, aged 26 and 50, were injured in the attack.

The terrorist was shot by security guards from Alon Shvut. He survived, and was arrested at the scene. He was taken to the hospital.

The terror attack took place at the same spot where three teenagers were kidnapped by Hamas operatives last summer, and murdered soon after.

This terror attack follows soon after a soldier was stabbed in a Tel Aviv train station by a terrorist this morning. The soldier remains in critical condition following surgery, and the terrorist was arrested a few blocks away.

by Tzvi Zucker

Tazpit News Agency



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