Home Featured The Community Miracle Sefer Torah – Update: Over 50,000 letters reserved

The Community Miracle Sefer Torah – Update: Over 50,000 letters reserved

The Community Miracle Sefer Torah – Update: Over 50,000 letters reserved

The Community Miracle Sefer Torah is well underway. We are excited to share some updates with you on the progress of the Community Miracle Sefer Torah.

The Sofer, Rabbi Moshe Klein, has been hard at work, and the first Parshah is already complete!

The website has been translated into multiple languages. This allows us to extend our reach further and wider, enabling Klal Yisroel from around the world to participate in this incredible project.

We are well on our way to completing the Sefer Torah, but we need your help to get there!

Please help us spread the word by sharing the information with your family and friends. Encourage them to buy their letters and grant them the z’chus of participating in this worldwide display of achdus.

We invite all of Klal Yisroel, men, women, and children, to participate in this unique special opportunity, to join in the writing of the Miracle Sefer Torah,”

Together, we will bring this Sefer Torah to life!

And Visit: www.unitedforprotection.com/VIN15  to purchase your letters.
After covering the cost of the Torah and Siyum, all extra funds will be donated to Hatzalah.

Source: VosIzNeias


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