Home News Israel Two Killed, Two Wounded In Terrorist Attack On Route 60

Two Killed, Two Wounded In Terrorist Attack On Route 60

Two Killed, Two Wounded In Terrorist Attack On Route 60

Two Killed, Two Wounded In Terrorist Attack On Route 60

By Ilanit Chernick • 13 December, 2018

11:30 Reports of a terrorist opening fire at bystanders on Route 60 near the Giv’at Asaf outpost in Judea.

11:40 At least one person reported seriously injured

11:43 At least three people injured in shooting attack. One in serious condition

11:45 Magen David Adom says at least four people have been seriously injured in the terrorist attack. Being treated on scene. One person needed life saving measures.

11:47 Four people injured. According to United Hatzalah: “The injured are young men around 20 years of age who are suffering from gunshot wounds. Two of the people injured are in serious-to-critical condition.”

11:57 Hadassah Ein Kerem confirms its received one of the 20-year-old’s who is in critical condition.

12:09 Hamas and PIJ congratulate the terrorist on carrying out Thursday morning’s terrorist attack, says it is “immediate revenge” for the killing of the “martyrs” earlier today.

12:17 IDF  confirms two killed in the terrorist attack.

12:18 The IDF said the terrorist had descended from his vehicle, opened fire on soldiers and civilians at a hitchhiking station and then fled the scene.

12:20 The terrorist’s abandoned car is reported to have been found near Psagot.

12:25 Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital says one of the victims, a 21-year-old, sustained a gun shot to the head and is in serious condition.


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