YERUSHALAYIM – The site of the future permanent U.S. Embassy in Yerushalayim has been officially designated after four years of planning and preparation, The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday.
The Yerushalayim Municipality published the zoning description for the new Embassy complex, to be built on Derech Chevron between Hanoch Albek and Daniel Yanovsky Streets, in an area still called by it British Mandate-era name, “Camp Allenby.”
The complex is to include the embassy itself, offices, residences, parking and security structures. The buildings cannot exceed 10 stories in height, and the perimeter wall will be 10.5 feet high.
The next phase of the process is a 60-day period in which the public may submit objections to the plan.
“After almost four years of hard work with the American Embassy in Yerushalayim, we are pleased that the zoning plans were published this morning for the new Allenby complex,” Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum said Tuesday, according to the Post.
“The U.S. Embassy in such a central part of the city will upgrade the urban landscape of the neighborhood and connect it to all areas of the capital through the Light Rail network that will stop almost at its doors,” she said. “We hope that more countries will follow and move their embassies to our capital, Yerushalayim.”
The US Embassy moved to Yerushalayim in 2018, a few months after President Donald Trump recognized Israel’s capital.
The embassy has since operated out of the former U.S. Consulate in Arnona, which was expanded to include more offices, and has a much larger “branch office” in the former site of the embassy in Tel Aviv.
Source: Hamodia