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Watch: Dr. Mike in Jerusalem

Watch: Dr. Mike in Jerusalem
Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, the internet celebrity known as "Dr. Mike," spoke to Arutz Sheva

Internet celebrity Dr. Mike describes excitement at seeing various medical breakthroughs being made in Israel.

Hezki Baruch, 07/07/19 14:59

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, the internet celebrity known as “Dr. Mike,” spoke to Arutz Shevaabout the exciting medical breakthroughs and discoveries he witnessed during his visit to the Jewish State.

“Fortunately enough, I was brought to Israel and Jerusalem by American Voices in Israel. They’re taking me around, allowing me to explore the beauty that is Israel, the people that are amazing in Israel, but also learning a lot about the health sector and the amazing breakthroughs that are being made every single day within Israel,” Dr. Varshavski said.

“I’ve learned that we in the United States need to be more cognizant of what’s going on in terms of scientific breakthroughs coming out of Israel. There’s phenomenal start-ups that desperately need funding for truly revolutionary projects that will change the world, that will change the way we practice medicine. And it’s something that I’m going to be able to bring back not only to my nation’s media but also to my followers throughout all of my social media platforms.

“This happens to be my second time in Israel because I did Birthright about a decade ago. But coming in as an 18-year-old young boy, essentially, and now coming in as a doctor, learning all these things from the health standpoint, the people here: it’s a totally different experience and something I’m truly blessed to have experienced.

He said that Jerusalem also impressed him on the social level. “What I love in Jerusalem is not only the history that is here of all types of people, not just one specific religion or demographic, but truly how people live together and how we can all collaborate to be a better nation and people. Me, as someone who grew up in New York City, living around all sorts of nations and religions, showing how different people can come together and do something truly special, I think that’s what Jerusalem is all about.”

“Right now, if you look in the media, there is not always the full representation of the great work that happens here in Israel. I hope that with my trip, with the partnership between myself and American Voices in Israel, we can let the world know that there are a lot of great things happening here, both scientifically, medically, and socially.”

Source: Arutz Sheva


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