March 17, 2020 8:53 pm
WASHINGTON (VINnews) — On Tuesday afternoon, the White House held a phone conference call with Rabbis and Jewish faith leaders, regarding the state of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The meeting was led by Avi Berkowitz and a member of the office for the counsel to the President. President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were not on the phonecall.
The purpose of the conference call was to impress the severity of the health crisis onto the Jewish community, particularly in certain areas where it is not being taken very seriously, despite the pleas of the health department.
The White House warned the community leaders numerous times, that not taking the necessary measures will see the situation “turn into a serious issue of Pikuach Nefesh.”
The White House called on any remaining Yeshivos that are open to immediately close, as well as on parents to stop sending their children in to those institutions.
It was explained that children who can pick up the Coronavirus at school can easily carry the virus without showing symptoms for many weeks, while in the meantime infecting their elderly neighbors and relatives who are much more vulnerable.
The following questions concerning praying with a Minyan were posed to Avi Berkowitz:
Q. Should Minyanim be held outdoors?
A. It is not advisable.
Q. Buildings that have multiple small Shuls in them, can they use each one with 10 people in each?
A. No.
Q. What is the projection on how long this will go on for?
A. There is no way to know, and the experts are not putting a date on it, but the President said it can last a few months.