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Yoely Lebovits – Ad Deloy Yooda

Yoely Lebovits – Ad Deloy Yooda

Get to that high level of joy and bliss that you can’t even see the difference in the blessed and the cursed, you get to see beyond.
In a pure and holy level to get closer to oneness, drink, Lechaim.. Experience real joy in life 🙂
Have a joyous & meaningful purim.. Drink responsibly, connect to something deeper..

In this music video, Yoely Lebovits, the Pester Rebbe, gets his friends together to join in dance in pure joy towards the level of Ad Deloy Yooda.. Until you don’t even know…

Beyond knowledge 🙂

Smile at your friend 🙂 bring peace around you 🙂


Produced by On Time Studios


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