Home News Israel Terrorist Stabs IDF Soldier to Death on Israeli Bus

Terrorist Stabs IDF Soldier to Death on Israeli Bus

Terrorist Stabs IDF Soldier to Death on Israeli Bus

Today (Nov. 13), a terrorist stabbed and killed Pvt. Eden Atias as he slept on an Israeli bus. The 19-year-old soldier enlisted in the IDF just weeks before his murder.

This morning (November 13, 2013), a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and killed 19-year-old soldier Pvt. Eden Atias as he slept on an Israeli bus in the northern city of Afula. Pvt. Atias began his IDF service less than a month ago, and he was still in basic training at the time of his murder.

The terrorist killed Pvt. Atias in cold blood, brutally stabbing him as he slept in his seat. The soldier was wearing an IDF uniform and was headed to a military base at the time of the attack. He was severely injured and evacuated to a nearby hospital, where he died of his wounds.

Moments after the attack, the terrorist was detained and transferred to security forces for questioning.The IDF and its soldiers join in the sorrow of Pvt. Atias’ family and friends. May his memory be a blessing.


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