It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Ann Porter z”l
mother of Martine Porter Zasada,
Levaya: Friday, 1/31 at 10:00 AM. The funeral will be in San Diego at Greenwood Memorial Park, 4300 Imperial Ave, San Diego, CA 92113. Directions
Shiva: At the home of Marc & Martine’s home 1551 S. Reeves LA 90035
Ma’ariv on Motzei Shabbat – 6:00 PM, Shacharit: Sunday – 9:00 AM, Shacharit: Monday – Thursday – 7:00 AM, Mincha/Ma’ariv: Sunday – 5:10 PM, Ma’ariv: Mon., Tues. & Wed. – 8:00 PM
May God Comfort them among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem!