It is with great Sadness that we inform the community of the passing of  Gussie Kaplan z”l mother of Jay Kaplan (currently lives in Israel)

 LEVAYAH: The funeral will be at Eden Memorial Park 11500 Sepulveda Blvd (at Rinaldi) in Mission Hills at 11:00 AM, Wednesday Feb 19th.


SHIVAH: Jay will be sitting shiv’ah at his mother’s house, 18210 Schoenborn Street (one block north of Roscoe west of Lindley)

Daily from 5:30-7:30 PM.

He will be in the neighborhood on Shabbat and will be receiving visitors at 1705 S. Durango Avenue (Rabbi Etshalom’s Home) from 7:30-10:00 PM on Motza’ei Shabbat.


May God Comfort them among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem



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