Home News New York 5,000 Chabad emissaries gather for group photo at 770

5,000 Chabad emissaries gather for group photo at 770

5,000 Chabad emissaries gather for group photo at 770
Annual Chabad emissaries gathering Benzi Sasson

Chabad Shlucim gather in Brooklyn for annual group photo, bringing together 5,000 emissaries in front of Lubavitch headquarters.

Arutz Sheva Staff, 24/11/19 16:58

Thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis from around the world assembled in front of Chabad world headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y., for the annual group picture of International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries.The 4,900 rabbis from around the world are in New York for the annual event, which is aimed at strengthening Jewish awareness and practice around the world.


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