UPDATE: With great sadness and deep pain we inform you of the untimely passing of Rabbi Yosef Yehuda Loschak OBM, a Shliach in S. Barbra, California. He was 62 years old.

The Loschak’s went out on Shlichus to S. Barbara in Southern California over 25 years ago and have since expanded into the University of California, Santa Barbara and established a Campus Chabad house.

Recently Rabbi Loschak was diagnosed with an illness and calls for Tehillim were circulated amongst Lubavitchers worldwide.

On Motzai Gimmel Tammuz, on the heels of a call for tehillim at the Central Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen in Crown Heights, Rabbi Loschak passed away.

He is survived by his wife Devorah and their children.

S. Barbara Levaya:
Today (Wed), 1 pm
At Chabad of S. Barbara – 6047 Stow Canyon Rd. Goleta, CA

Los Angeles Levaya:
Today (Wed), 6 pm subject to change
At Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad – 7215 Waring Ave. Los Angeles, CA


Will take place Thursday 7/3/14 in NY near the Ohel of the Rebbe zy”a

Dayan Hamokom


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