With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs Chana bas Avrohom Heidingsfeld ob”m, mother of  Rabbi Yehudo Heidingsfeld.

Rabbi Yehudo Heidingsfeld will be returning to Los Angeles for the last day of Shiva, on Monday afternoon, and will finish sitting shiva at his home in S. Monica.

Visiting Time from 5:00 pm

Minyan Times

Monday, 20 Elul,  9/15, 7:00pm – Mincha/Maariv .
Tuesday morning, 21 Elul, 9/16, 7:00am – Shacharis .
Shiva ends on Tuesday morning after Shacharis.
Address: 1423 15th St. #8, S. Monica, 90404

(Between S. Monica Blvd and Broadway. )

Parking is available on the streets of S. Monica Blvd (meters – free after 6 pm) and Broadway. Permit only parking on most of 15th st)

Email address for Nichum Aveilim – yheidingsfeld@gmail.com

Dayan Hamokom


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