With profound sorrow, we regret to announce the passing of Samuel Borofsky a”h, beloved father of Yvette Edidin.


The funeral will take place on Monday, October 21st, in New York.


Shiva will be at held at 435 Bryant Ave. Roslyn Harbor, NY Monday 6:30- 8:30pm, Tuesday through Thursday between 1PM – 8:30pm, Friday from 1 pm- 4 pm, and Motzei Shabbat from 7pm-10pm.
Shiva in LA 

Yvette will return to Los Angeles for Shiva at the Edidin home, 1812 S. Roxbury Dr. in Los Angeles on Friday, October 24th from 11am – 4pm., and Motzei Shabbat until 11pm.

In addition, the Roxbury Minyan will be davening Mincha/Ma’ariv at the Edidin home both this Friday at 5:50pm and Shabbat afternoon at 5:30pm.
Yvette can be reached on her cell 917-494-4676

May the Almighty comfort the bereaved family along with all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Dayan Hamokom


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