It is with great sadness that we inform
of the tragic and untimely passing of
Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy
(Ariel ob”m ben  Yl”t  Shaltiel Ze’ev)

He is survived by his wife, Miriam and 7 children.
He is also survived his parents Dr. Ze’ev and Varda Rav-Noy
and siblings Racheli Muchnik Oxnard, CA;
Avi, Michy and Eyal Rav-Noy, all of Los Angeles.

Thursday, 9 Shevat/January 29, 11:30 am
at the Chabad Persian Youth Center
9022 W Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035

at the Mount Olive
7231 E. Slauson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040

Address: 1441 S Doheny Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: (424) 302-0496
Email: ravnoyshivah@gmail.com


  • Thursday: Mincha 5 pm. No visits after 8 pm.
  • Friday : Shacharis 8 am. No visits after 11 am. Mincha 3 pm.
    Motzei Shabbos: Maariv 6:30 pm. No visits after 9:30 pm.
    Sunday – Tuesday: Shacharis 8 am. No visits 12 to 5 pm. Mincha 5 pm. No visits after 9 pm.
  • Wednesday: Shacharis 8 am.


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