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From Hollywood to the Holy Land

From Hollywood to the Holy Land

Stars of ”Scandal” and ”Once Upon A Time” visit leading Israeli Humanitarian Organization

For the second year in a row, Meir Panim, Israel’s leading relief organization, hosted a star-studded group of celebrities, led by Irwin Katsof, the Director of ‘America’s Voices in Israel.’ The group, which included Katie Lowes (‘Greys Anatomy’, ‘Scandal’), Adam Shapiro (‘Scandal’), Lana Parilla (‘Once Upon a Time’) Bellamy Young (‘Criminal Minds’, ‘Scandal’), and Guillermo Diaz (‘Scandal’), visited Meir Panim in a wonderful finish to what has been a whirl-wind, week-long visit across Israel.

During the course of their visit, the stars heard about Israel’s recent social “cottage cheese” revolution and about Israel’s working poor, but, despite it all, were amazed to realize what a happy, vibrant country Israel is.

“You can see by your expressions how completely engaged you are in this organization,” enthused Lowes. “It’s an honor to be shown this very special part of Israeli society.”


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