Home News Los Angeles A Beautiful Surprise By Bais Chaya Mushka Girl’s School

A Beautiful Surprise By Bais Chaya Mushka Girl’s School

A Beautiful Surprise By Bais Chaya Mushka Girl’s School

Bais Chaya Mushka School for girl’s in Los Angeles came together to raise the spirit and show support for a fellow student who is battling cancer. The gesture, which came as a complete surprise to the girl, brought tears to the eyes of even the veteran LAPD officers who witnessed it.

Chaya Spalter, 11, a studious and energetic student at Beis Chaya Mushka in Los Angeles, was recently diagnosed with a recurrence of Yener Machlah. She had previously won a battle against the same disease two years prior, and the news that it had come back was very difficult to bear.

In an effort to boost her morale, since she had not been in school and with her friends lately, Chaya was treated this morning to a helicopter fly-over of Los Angeles, courtesy of the LAPD.

As the spectacular aerial tour of the city came to a close, the pilot was asked by Shmueli Newman, a chaplain with the LAPD, if they could fly over her school, located in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood.

When the school came into view, Chaya could not believe her eyes: The entire Junior High School Division of BCM was standing on the roof in the shape of a heart as well as a large group of girls from the elementary school  were  waving at her and cheering her on; showing support for her in her battle against the disease.

Shmueli Newman, who arranged the event, said “I had the honor of taking Chaya Spalter (may she have a speedy recovery!) on a police helicopter yesterday. She wanted to fly over her school that she hasn’t been able to attend consistently because of her medical condition. I informed the school that we would be flying over them in 15 minutes. We never anticipated what happened once we got there. The entire school was on the roof in the shape of a heart! I will never forget the smile on Chaya’s face or the tears in the eyes of the pilot and TFO”


Please take a moment to say Tehilim, or take upon yourself to do a good deed, for the merit of Chaya Mushka bas Hadassah Shaina, my she have a speedy recovery.





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