Home News Israel AIPAC Honors United Hatzalah as Leading Innovator

AIPAC Honors United Hatzalah as Leading Innovator

AIPAC Honors United Hatzalah as Leading Innovator

United Hatzalah (UH), Israel’s premier volunteer emergency response network, was honored for its leadership, innovation and service yesterday by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.. The organization’s Founder and President Eli Beer stunned the 16,500 conference participants by arriving on stage lights and sirens blaring on an ambucycle, a specially equipped motorcycle ambulance designed by United Hatzalah to speed up emergency response times. 
The “game-changer” organization was recognized for its innovation in effectively and efficiently assisting in saving lives. With a network of 2,500 volunteers across Israel, United Hatzalah responds to 700 emergency calls daily, using tailored GPS technology and smartphone app to respond to crises within minutes after the initial report. The successful United Hatzalah has been a model for the world, with EMTs in Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Lithuania, Ukraine, Rwanda and Jersey City now implementing the Israeli-developed strategies and methods.
“Driving in on a United Hatzalah ambucycle, one of Israel’s outstanding innovations, talking in front of 16,500 people, and hearing them cheer made me tremendously proud of what UH does every single minute to protect Israel, and proud of the work we are doing to export this beautiful concept to wherever it is needed,” said Beer. “As an Israeli I am happy that there are organizations like AIPAC that work day and night to protect Israel and help spread the good word about the work the people of Israel do for this world.”
Eli moved and motivated the huge crowd of passionate supporters of Israel with his heartfelt presentation. Throughout the 3-day convention visitors are welcomed to United Hatzalah’s showcase display of technology, training and emergency medical first response.
Footage of Eli Beer’s presentation can be found online at http://youtu.be/iYAolB9lZfU. To learn more about United Hatzalah, visit representatives at the AIPAC Policy Conference Village or online at http://israelrescue.org/?


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