Home News Israel Arabs Throw Firebombs at Kever Rochel

Arabs Throw Firebombs at Kever Rochel

Arabs Throw Firebombs at Kever Rochel

Arabs Throw Firebombs at Kever Rochel

By Dov Benovadia
YERUSHALAYIM – Arab terrorists threw several firebombs at the parking lot of Kever Rachel on Tuesday morning. B’chasdei Shamayim, the bombs did not explode, and no injuries or damage was reported. Police said that the bombs came from the Beit Lechem side of the security fence.
A bomb-squad officer was rushed to the scene to dismantle the explosives. The site was closed for about an hour while the devices were removed.

Also Tuesday afternoon, IDF troops arrested three terror suspects near the town of Elon Moreh in central Shomron. The terrorists were found to be carrying firebombs, which they intended to set off in one of the Jewish towns in the area. Several days ago, terrorists with similar weapons were caught in the same area. The IDF said that the suspects were arrested, and that four firebombs were seized. The suspects were being questioned for their involvement in this and other terror activities, the army said.


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