Home News Israel Bennett’s Chief of Staff Quits

Bennett’s Chief of Staff Quits

Bennett’s Chief of Staff Quits
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, during the plenum session and a vote on the state budget in the assembly hall of the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Nov 3, 2021. Photo by Shalev Shalom/TPS
By Aryeh Savir/TPS • 23 May, 2022

Jerusalem, 23 May, 2022 (TPS) — Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s office sustained another significant blow on Monday when his Chief of Staff Tal Gan Zvi announced he was leaving his post.

“I asked to end my position soon and turn to new channels. It was a significant and extraordinary time. I thank the Prime Minister for the common path, and I will continue to be of help to him in the future in whatever way he may require,” he stated.

Bennett thanked Gan Zvi and said: “From the moment I entered politics, Tal has been one of the pillars of my public work, at all the various stations. I want to thank him for many years, during which he closely accompanied me with exceptional professionalism, dedication, and loyalty, during the ups and downs, in hard work around the clock.”

Gan Zvi has been with Bennett for close to a decade, since 2013, and is considered one of his closest aides and confidants.

An individual with right-wing beliefs, he was apparently not happy with Bennett’s apparent sharp turn to the left.

This dramatic development occurred just weeks after Shimrit Meir, Bennett’s top diplomatic adviser, resigned, reportedly over political differences.

Pundits explain that Gan Zvi’s leaving could mean the end of Bennett’s coalition, which is currently at a 60-60 tie in the Knesset. Gan Zvi was responsible for ensuring that Member of Knesset Nir Orbach, a member of Bennett’s Yemina party, continues to support the government. With Gan Zvi gone, Orbach is expected to quit the coalition.

This drama occurred just a day after the Bennett government promised millions to Meretz MK Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi for her return to the coalition.

Bennett, who has been in power for less than a year, has been facing repeated upheavals within his staff, party, and coalition, and most analysts estimate that it’s only a question of time before his government falls.


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