Popular singer Benny Friedman’s new high energy single “Hareini” features his 5 and 7 year old sons Shalom and Dovid Friedman.
“Hareini” is a new high energy tune from singer Benny Friedman, featuring the lyrics “Veohavta L’reiacha Kamocha” – ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself’.
The song also features for the first time two of Benny’s adorable kids, Shalom and Dovid Friedman, ages 7 and 5 respectively.
Composed by Tomer Adadi
Written by Yossi Gispan
Musical Production by Daniel Kapler
Arranged by Daniel Kapler and Ian Freitor
Mixed and mastered at Playmasters Studio
Vocals recorded by Doni Gross, DeG Studios NYC
Vocal production by Tzvi Silberstein
Child Soloists: Shalom Friedman, Dovid Friedman
Choir: Gershon Freishtat, Avraham Zamist, Benny Friedman
Lyric video by Rivkin Media

Source: Collive