Home News Israel Bnei Brak: Explosive device detonates in stairwell

Bnei Brak: Explosive device detonates in stairwell

Bnei Brak: Explosive device detonates in stairwell
Device explodes in stairwell of Bnei Brak buildingIsrael Police spokesperson

Explosive device detonates in Bnei Brak – for the second time in one month.

Arutz Sheva Staff, 18/08/19 22:44

An explosion occurred Sunday night in a residential building on Bnei Brak’s Ba’al Hatanya Street.

Police sappers who were called to a residential building on Beit Hatanya Street in Bnei Brak found that the explosion heard in the building was as a result of an improvised explosive device that exploded in the stairwell.

There were no casualties, but slight damage was caused to the structure.

Police are at the scene and investigating the incident.

Sources told Kikar Hashabbat that senior Bnei Brak officials live in the area where the explosion occurred, and police are aware of the fact as well.

The public is asked to avoid the area and obey police directives.

Kikar Hashabbat also noted that an explosive device detonated in Bnei Brak a few weeks ago, injuring one person lightly and a second person moderately to seriously. That explosion occurred at approximately 1:00a.m. on the city’s Ahavat Shalom Street


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