Home News Los Angeles BREAKING: The Eruv will be Checked, and Hopefully be UP for Shabbos

BREAKING: The Eruv will be Checked, and Hopefully be UP for Shabbos

BREAKING: The Eruv will be Checked, and Hopefully be UP for Shabbos

The Eruv will be Checked, and Hopefully be UP for Shabbos; However, Substantial Additional Funding is Still Needed

Following a week long appeal for urgently needed funds Howard Witkin of the LA Eruv announces the Eruv will be checked this week and sufficient funds to cover the short term financial needs.

The following email was sent out to the LA Eruv subscribers:

“Prior to the appeal that started on September 1, the LA Eruv reserves had
dipped below $10,000, which is an insufficient amount to take care of many
emergency repairs.  We notified the community of the need to raise
operating capital, replenish the reserve accounts and need to plan for the
replacement of the 45 year-old lift truck.

We have had sufficient response from the community to cover the short term
financial crisis but not the long term financial issues.  Some of the
participating shuls and community members have also satisfied prior
commitments, and we have started on a process to establish a broad-based
finance committee that will strive to include all of the shuls covered by
the LA Eruv.  We intend to work out a short and long term finance strategy
so as to avoid future potential shutdowns of the LA Eruv.

Based on the input of the city rabbeim and the Eruv Vaad,  we will be
checking and hopefully repairing the ERUV in time to be up for this Shabbos.

However, even with the generous support of many, we are still $100,000
short of what we will need to operate the eruv.  To this end, we are
planning a community wide Shabbaton for the Eruv on Parshas Lech
Lecha. November 12-13, and would ask for your continued support and generous donations.”


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