Home News BREAKING: Russian Jet Shot Down by Turkey

BREAKING: Russian Jet Shot Down by Turkey

BREAKING: Russian Jet Shot Down by Turkey

Turkish F-16 jets shoot down Russian warplane near Syrian border

Turkish fighter jets shot down a Russian-made warplane near the Syrian border on Tuesday after repeatedly warning it over air space violations, Turkish officials said, but Moscow said it could prove the jet had not left Syrian air space.

Turkish presidential sources said the warplane was a Russian-made SU-24. The Turkish military, which did not confirm the plane’s origin, said it had been warned 10 times in the space of five minutes about violating Turkish airspace.

Russia’s defense ministry said one of its fighter jets had been downed in Syria, apparently after coming under fire from the ground, but said it could prove the plane was over Syria for the duration of its flight, Interfax news agency reported.


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