Home News London British Media: Crash Suspect Is Briton of Sudanese Origin

British Media: Crash Suspect Is Briton of Sudanese Origin

British Media: Crash Suspect Is Briton of Sudanese Origin
Police recover the car that crashed into security barriers from the scene outside the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, in London, Tuesday. (Victoria Jones/PA via AP)

British Media: Crash Suspect Is Briton of Sudanese Origin

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 4:56 am



British media are reporting that the suspect in the Parliament crash being treated as terrorism is a 29-year-old British citizen of Sudanese origin named Salih Khater.

The suspect is in police custody after his arrest on suspicion of preparing an act of terror.

Press Association reported Wednesday that a social media page for a man of the same name says he lives in Birmingham, works as a shop manager, and has studied at Sudan University of Science and Technology.

Counterterror detectives are working to uncover the motive behind what they suspect is the fourth vehicle attack in Britain in 18 months.


Source: Hamodia


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