Home News Canada Canada Invited Communist China To Come To Country To Participate In Military Exercises: Reports

Canada Invited Communist China To Come To Country To Participate In Military Exercises: Reports

Canada Invited Communist China To Come To Country To Participate In Military Exercises: Reports
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, inspecting Chinese troops. Photo: AFP (File).

Canada’s leftist government reportedly invited communist China’s military to come to their country to train with Canadian soldiers in cold weather conditions, according to classified documents obtained by Rebel News.

“The department of Global Affairs pushed back against a decision last year by Canada’s top soldier to cut back on interactions with China’s People’s Liberation Army, warning Beijing might consider this a reprisal for the arbitrary arrest of two Canadians,” The Globe and Mail reported.

“Government documents, seen by The Globe and Mail and marked secret and for Canadian eyes only, show that officials at the highest levels of Global Affairs were alarmed that General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff, had cancelled winter military exercises with the PLA in 2019.”

The publication noted, as did Rebel News founder Ezra Levant, that the documents were accidentally sent to Levant during a freedom of information records request in which officials did not sufficiently black out the classified portions of the documents. The Globe and Mail said that Canada’s government asked them to not report from the portions of documents that were accidentally left unredacted because it could hurt Canada’s national security.

The United States raised serious concerns about having the People’s Liberation Army conduct military exercises just north of the U.S. border with a U.S. ally.

“A senior government official said Gen. Vance, on the urgings of the U.S., cancelled winter exercises with the PLA and later all military interactions,” the publication added. “Gen. Vance did allow Canadian Armed Forces personnel to compete at the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan, China, that October.”

Michael Chong, the Conservatives’ foreign affairs critic, and James Bezan, the defense critic, slammed leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a statement for his “stunning lack of leadership.”

“Clearly, the Prime Minister and Liberal ministers are more concerned about how Beijing might react than in defending Canadian interests,” the statement said. “The Liberal government has become so timid that it can’t even say no to Chinese soldiers arriving on our territory.”

Levant appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Thursday night where he discussed the story that he broke.

“That cold weather warfare that you’re referring to was just one of 18 different joint projects the Canadian armed forces had with the People’s Liberation Army in 2019 alone,” Levant said.

“Canada is training one and two star Chinese generals in our war colleges; we’re training lieutenants, and majors, commanders; we’re sending Canadians over to China; we’re bringing Chinese — I think they’re not just soldiers, I think they’re spies as well — to Canada. And I don’t know a single person in this country who knew about it, but it’s been happening, and we found out about it really by accident when the government sent me freedom of information documents and forgot to black them out or maybe, frankly, someone inside the government wanted to blow the whistle on this incredibly upside down relationship.”

“In those same memos you’re talking about, Trudeau’s office was supporting China and condemning the Trump administration. It was upside down, it was inverted morality. It’s seeping all the way into our bureaucracy, our diplomacy, and they’re trying to get the military onside too,” Levant added.

“…In these memos, you can see that the Trump Administration warned Canada that this winter warfare training would transfer knowledge to China that could be used. Now, they don’t explain, would it be used to take on Uyghurs in Xinjiang, Tibetans to fight India in the Himalayas, or even to fight us? And when the military, the Canadian military, said our American allies, or our allies are concerned about this, Trudeau’s staff pushed back and said, is it just the Trump Administration, or is anyone else worried about it? So, there’s an antipathy toward America that seeps through all these secret documents, and the overarching goal is to let China’s president Xi Jinping save face.”

(Daily Wire).


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