Home News Los Angeles Chaverim to the Rescue

Chaverim to the Rescue

Chaverim to the Rescue

Chaverim of Los Angeles Safety Fair and Disaster Preparedness.

On Sunday January 13, 2013 Chaverim of Los Angeles joined Congregation Shaarey Tzedek of Valley Village in their  “Community Safety Fair”. The fair also featured CPR classes, a Bikur Cholim blood drive, and a Hatzolah information booth with their vehicles on display. In addition to Chaverim displaying their day-to-day equipment and performing live demonstrations, Chaverim showcased a novel concept to the Los Angeles community; Disaster Preparedness Kits.

Although Chaverim started as an organization primarily focused on emergency auto roadside assistance, recent global events has changed the way Chaverim approaches disaster preparedness. It is Chaverim’s goal to bring disaster awareness and preparedness to the entire Los Angeles community.

In addition to informing visitors on the need to prepare, Chaverim’s booth offered two levels of disaster kits for sale. The kits included: enough water and food for two people (for two days), a large first aid kit, a hand cranked flashlight-radio, rain ponchos and blankets, emergency lighting, waterproof matches, an axe, ponchos and blankets, a crowbar, a multi-tool and other essential items. Also for sale were power inverters, emergency lanterns, blackout lamps for the home, and portable gas generators.

The community members who stopped by at the booth were educated as to what should be done to prepare for a disaster, including how to make a plan and how to prepare for unpredictable events. The purpose of the display was to inspire them to build a kit, be prepared, and spread the word to others.

Our demonstrations: Chaverim volunteers changed tires, provided jump-starts, and opened a locked car door with a child stuck inside the vehicle in less than 30 seconds. All Chaverim equipment was on display as well, including home lockout equipment, large bolt cutters capable of breaking locks, flashlights, tool kits, safety flares, fire extinguishers, tow straps, socket wrenches, and much more.

Chaverim will continue to educate the public about the importance of preparedness and spread awareness throughout the communities. To help support Chaverim in it’s day-to-day operations or to sponsor disaster supplies, please visit them on the web at www.chaverimla.org and click the donate button.

 Chaverim can be reached on their 24/6 hotline: 323-903-7613



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