Home News Media Dance 365 – Akiva Gelb – Album Preview

Dance 365 – Akiva Gelb – Album Preview

Dance 365 – Akiva Gelb – Album Preview

This isn’t your parents dance album. Put aside EVERYTHING you know about dance albums, collections and such and prepare for a revolution. Gershy Moskowitz presents Dance365 with not only one of the best core bands in Jewish music for the last 10 years, the Freilach band, but the new voice of the future, Akiva Gelb.

Now Akiva’s name might sound familiar because he recently came out with a beautiful single titled “V’ezkeh“. He is also the lead singer of the newly formed Nefesh Kumzits Band. Gelb is quickly becoming really popular on the band stand, as he has both the range/control and energy to thrill guests at any simcha. After a recent job with Freilach, the idea for this new album began. The goal was to create an album one can dance to the ENTIRE year (hence the name Dance 365). This is not an album exclusively for the Purim season.

This entire album spanning 30 of the biggest hits was arranged by Freilach‘s very own Nachman Dreyer, who is sure to become one of Jewish music’s hottest new arrangers on the market. Dance 365 is a Gershy Moskowitz production and is distributed by Nigun Music. It hits stores March 3rd, 2016. Till then, enjoy this little sampler of Dance 365 and get ready to buy a new pair of shoes.


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