Home News Israel Decline in coronavirus pandemic in Israel

Decline in coronavirus pandemic in Israel

Decline in coronavirus pandemic in Israel
Corona Virus Patient.

Number of active coronavirus cases in Israel falls to lowest level since March, with just 24 new cases in 24 hours.

The number of active cases of the novel coronavirus in Israel continued to decline Sunday, falling to the lowest level recorded since March, according to data released by Israel’s Health Ministry Sunday evening.

According to the new Health Ministry statistics, the number of active cases of coronavirus in Israel fell to 4,795, a net decline of 108.

Twenty-four new confirmed cases of the virus were reported over the past 24 hours, while 127 patients stricken with the virus recovered during that same period of time.

Five additional deaths were also reported in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of coronavirus fatalities in Israel to 252.

Of the 4,795 active cases of coronavirus in Israel, 74 are serious, 47 are moderate, with the remainder being light.

A total of 65 people are currently on respirators, a decline from 66 yesterday.

Since the pandemic hit Israel, 16,477 total cases of the novel coronavirus have been recorded, of which 11,430 ended in recovery.

(Arutz 7 – Israel National News)


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