Home News Britain Duke and Duchess of Sussex wished a hearty mazeltov on birth of baby boy

Duke and Duchess of Sussex wished a hearty mazeltov on birth of baby boy

Duke and Duchess of Sussex wished a hearty mazeltov on birth of baby boy
The Duke of Sussex speaking at Windsor Castle in Berkshire after the Duchess of Sussex gave birth to a baby boy weighing 7lbs 3oz.. Photo credit: Steve Parsons/PA Wire

British Jewish leaders congratulate the Royal couple on the new arrival, as Israel’s president sends ‘a big hug and our best wishes’

The Jewish community has wished mazeltov to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex upon the birth of their first baby.

Chief Rabbi Mirvis led tributes after the Royal couple welcomed their first child, a son, to the world on Monday.

In a statement, the Palace said: “Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 05.26hrs. The baby weighs 7lb 3oz.”

“Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.”

Mazeltovs came from the community, with Chief Rabbi Mirvis “wishing Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex hearty congratulations on the birth of their son.

“May he be a source of much pride to them and a blessing for the entire nation. Mazaltov!”

Chief Rabbi Mirvis?@chiefrabbi

Wishing Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex hearty congratulations on the birth of their son. May he be a source of much pride to them and a blessing for the entire nation. Mazaltov! #babysussex9710:16 AM – May 6, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy33 people are talking about this

The Board of Deputies of British Jews and Jewish Leadership Council wished the Royal couple a “hearty Mazaltov and congratulations” with messages on Twitter.

Michael Goldstein, President of the United Synagogue, said: “We wish a hearty mazeltov to Their Royal Highnesses and new parents Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on the birth of a baby boy.

“Don’t forget to add his name to this week’s Prayer for the Royal Family! May he bring his parents and family much nachas.”

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Board of Deputies of British Jews?@BoardofDeputies

.@BodPres: Wishing a hearty Mazal Tov and Congratulations to Meghan and Harry, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, on the birth of a baby boy!3510:16 AM – May 6, 2019See Board of Deputies of British Jews’s other TweetsTwitter Ads info and privacy

Jewish Leadership Council?@JLC_uk

We wish the the Duke & Duchess of Sussex a hearty mazal tov on the birth of their baby boy this morning!611:04 AM – May 6, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Jewish Leadership Council’s other Tweets

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin also sent warm wishes,  saying; “on behalf of the people of Israel, Nechama and I send you a big hug and our best wishes. Mazal Tov!”

Harry and Meghan’s baby is seventh in line to the throne, and the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh’s eighth great-grandchild.

The baby’s sex was a surprise for the delighted couple, who chose not to find out what they were having.

Reuven Rivlin?@PresidentRuvi

Warmest #congratulations to HRH Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the birth of your son. Harry and Meghan, on behalf of the people of #Israel, Nechama and I send you a big hug and our best wishes. Mazal Tov! #royalbaby2669:51 AM – May 6, 2019T

The newest addition to the Windsor family is a first cousin of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during the announcement of their engagement at Kensington Palace. Photo credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

Ahead of the birth, Harry and Meghan made a personal decision to keep their arrangements private, amid speculation that they had opted for a home birth at Frogmore Cottage, close to the Queen’s Windsor Castle residence.

They also said they would only share the news of the baby’s arrival once they had had a chance to celebrate privately as a family.

Source: Jewish News


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